Selecting multiple objects
To select multiple objects on a label, hold down the Shift key, then use either of the methods described above.
Deselecting in the Editor window
You can deselect an object after you perform an action on a selected object, or if you change your mind before you make changes to the selected item.
To remove the selection markers, touch any
Undoing in the Editor window
You can use this tool to reverse or undo your most recent action in the Editor window:
The Undo icon is not valid at all times, however, as some formatting actions cannot be undone. When Undo is not possible, this icon will be grayed out (or appear to be dimmer) on the toolbar.
Working in Entry Screens
Entry screens are screens upon which you enter the parts that make up your label and in which you enter information about the design of your label. You enter label text and information about your label by using:
Text entry areas
Entry fields
zRadio buttons
Size adjustment buttons
Screens usually contain one or more of these information entry devices, as shown in Figure
Basic Procedures |