Server Type : Select from the
• POP3
• Netmeeting
Private IP : Specify the LAN IP address of the server PC running within the
Address private network.
Public IP : Select All, Single, or Range from the dropdown list.
From : Enter the beginning of the range.
To : Enter the end of the range.
Server Type : Define a name for the server type you wish to configure. Protocol : Select either TCP or UDP protocol type from the dropdown list.
Public Port : Select whether to define a single port or a range of public port numbers to accept.
From : Starting public port number
To : Ending public port number. If the Public Port type is Single, this field will be ignored.
Private IP : Specify the IP address of the server PC running within the
Address private network.
Private Port : Starting private port number. The ending private port number
From will be calculated automatically according to the public port range.
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