Table 2-1. D4 Token Table (continued)
Token | Setup Option | Description |
0171 | Adjacent Cache | Disables system optimization for sequential memory |
| Line Prefetch | access. The processor fetches the cache line that |
| contains the data it currently requires. |
0172 | Adjacent Cache | Enables system optimization for sequential memory |
| Line Prefetch | access. The processor fetches the adjacent cache line |
| in the other half of the sector. |
0173 | Hardware | Disables the processor’s HW prefetcher.. |
| Prefetcher |
0174 | Hardware | Enables the processor’s HW prefetcher. |
| Prefetcher |
0178 | Remote Access | Enables serial console redirection. |
0189 | External USB | Allows you to electrically disable the external USB |
| PORT2 | connector 2. |
018A | External USB | Allow you to electrically enable the external USB |
| PORT2 | connector 2. |
0199 | Power Saving | Disables the feature that allows SATA |
| Features | initiate link power management transitions. |
019A | Power Saving | Enables the feature that allows SATA |
| Features | initiate link power management transitions. |
01C4 | NUMA Support | Disables the NUMA support to improve processor |
| performance. This option is available for NUMA |
| systems that allow memory interleaving across all |
| processor nodes. |
01C5 | NUMA Support | Enables the NUMA support to improve processor |
| performance. This option is available for NUMA |
| systems that allow memory interleaving across all |
| processor nodes. |
01C4 | Node Interleave | Disables the node interleave option. This option is |
| available for NUMA systems that allow memory |
| interleaving across all processor nodes. |
01C5 | Node Interleave | Enable the node interleave option. This option is |
| available for NUMA systems that allow memory |
| interleaving across all processor nodes. |