Using the System Setup Program 141
48DA Save Customized
Saves current settings to customized defaults of
SETUP on next boot.
48DB N/A Requests maximum performance settings of SETUP
values on the next boot.
48DC N/A Requests a energy efficiency settings of SETUP values
on the next boot.
48DD N/A Requests HPCC efficiency settings of SETUP values
on the next boot. Dell will provide the settings before
A-can BIOS.
48DE Shell Requests the EFI Shell as first boot device on the next
48DF Dell ePSA
Diagnostic Tool
Requests auto launches ePSA (Enhanced Preboot
System Assessment) diagnostic tool on the next boot.
48E0 N/A Use NIC3 as the 1st PXE boot device on the next boot
followed by NIC1.
48E1 N/A Use NIC4 as the 1st PXE boot device on the next boot
followed by NIC1.
48E2 N/A Use NIC5 as the 1st PXE boot device on the next boot
followed by NIC1.
48E3 N/A Use NIC6 as the 1st PXE boot device on the next boot
followed by NIC1.
48E4 N/A Use NIC7 as the 1st PXE boot device on the next boot
followed by NIC1.
48E5 N/A Use NIC8 as the 1st PXE boot device on the next boot
followed by NIC1.
48E6 N/A Use HDD1 as the 1st HDD boot device on the next
48E7 N/A Use HDD2 as the 1st HDD boot device on the next
48E8 N/A Use HDD3 as the 1st HDD boot device on the next
Table 2-1. D4 Token Table
Token Setup Option Description