Using the System Setup Program 137
4861 USB PORT with
Allow the users to electrically enable the internal USB
port which contacts to BMC.
4870 Force PXE Boot
Disables PXE to be the boot device only.
4871 Force PXE Boot
Enables PXE to be the boot device only. The system
retrying to boot from PXE device.
4873 Active Processor
This field controls the number of enabled 16 cores in
each processor. By default, the maximum number of
cores per processor will be enabled.
4877 PCIe Slot1 Allows you to electrically disable PCIe Slot1.
4878 PCIe Slot1 Allows you to electrically enable PCIe Slot1 and
option ROM initialization.
4879 PCIe Slot2 Allows you to electrically disable PCIe Slot2.
487A PCIe Slot2 Allows you to electrically enable PCIe Slot2 and
option ROM initialization.
487B PCIe Slot3 Allows you to electrically disable PCIe Slot3.
487C PCIe Slot3 Allows you to electrically enable PCIe Slot3 and
option ROM initialization.
487F Mezzanine Slot Allows you to electrically disable Mezzanine Slot.
4880 Mezzanine Slot Allows you to electrically enable Mezzanine Slot and
option ROM initialization.
4881 1st Boot Device Sets the hard-drive as the first boot device.
4882 1st Boot Device Sets RAID as the first boot device.
4883 1st Boot Device Sets a USB storage device as the first boot device.
4884 1st Boot Device Sets a CD/DVD ROM as the first boot device.
4885 2nd Boot Device Sets a network device as the 2nd boot device.
4886 2nd Boot Device Sets the hard-drive as the 2nd boot device.
4887 2nd Boot Device Sets RAID as the 2nd boot device.
Table 2-1. D4 Token Table
Token Setup Option Description