Description Product/Part No. Fig. Ref.
Front Door Latch XZ9-0379-000CN 8-02 10
Front Panel ( Control Panel Display) RG5-2433-000CN 8-02 19
Fuse, LVPS, 110-120V VD5-0056-301CN 8-06 05
Fuse, LVPS, Universal VD7-0646-301CN 8-06 05A
Fuser Assembly 110V, Exchange C3166-69001 8-04 C
Fuser Cable 1 RG5-1849-000CN 8-06 02
Fuser Cable 2 RG5-1850-000CN 8-06 03
Fuser Flag RB1-6614-000CN 8-04C 36
Fuser Lock Lever Left RB1-6616-000CN 8-04C 38
Fuser Lock Lever Right RB1-6615-000CN 8-04C 37
Fusing Assembly 100-120V RG5-1863-200CN 8-03 21A
Fusing Assembly 100-120V, Exchange C3166-69001 8-03 21C
Fusing Assembly 220-240V RG5-1871-190CN 8-03 21B
Fusing Assembly 220-240V, Exchange C3166-69013 8-03 21D
Guide, PCA RB1-6771-000CN 8-06 06
Guide, Slide RB1-6775-000CN 8-06 07
High Voltage Power Supply RG5-1888-000CN 8-05 31
High Voltage Power Supply, Exchange C3166-69005 8-05 31A
Hinge Plate RB1-6507-000CN 8-02 03
Hinges, Set of C3766-60506 8-12 05
ILS Cable RG5-1927- 000CN 8-05 21
Input Paper Guide C3764-60561 8-11 16
Interlock Switch C3764-60556 8-11 15
Jam Access Door Assembly C3764-60514 8-10 03
Kit, Metallic Tape/Housing C3764-67900 8-10 not shown
Kit, Hardware C3764-67901 8-10 not shown
Kit, Paper Guide C3764-67902 8-10 not shown
Kit, Flat Cable C3764-67903 8-10 not shown
Kit, Stepper Motor/Encoder C3764-67904 8-10 not shown
Kit, Interlock Switch C3764-67905 8-10 not shown
Kit, Attachment Beam C3764-67906 8-10 not shown
Kit: Plastic staple cover; bin full sensor, actuator, and
flag; next bin full sensor, actuator, and flag; scan bar C3766-60510 8-10 08
Kit: T10 Torx screws (10) C3766-60511 8-12 not shown
Label, Operation (Special Order) RS5-8596-000CN 8-02 04
Table A-1 Alphabetical Parts List (continued)
AParts Index

Parts Index A-5