File Downloading
56 UMC800 Controller Installation and User Guide Release F
File Downloading
Downloading configuration files, recipes and other files to the controller can be accomplished two ways:
1. Download from a PC or other device connected the Configuration port (serial port) of the controller.
2. Using the operator interface to download files stored on a floppy disk. These files include recipes,
setpoint profiles and data storage files.
There are mode restrictions on the downloading of certain configuration files. For example, the controller
must be in the Program mode before downloading a controller configuration file. (Program mode is set
using either the controller manual mode switch, the SET MODE display of the operator interface or issuing
a command to the controller through the Configuration port.)
Downloading recipe information and read/write of specific parameters is permitted when the controller is in
the Program mode, as well as the Run or Offline modes. See Table 16 for a file downloading summary.
Table 16 Controller downloading summary
Downloading . . . Permitted When Controller is in . . .
Controller Configuration Files Yes No No
Setpoint Profiles / Setpoint
Schedule Yes Yes Ye s
Recipe Files Yes Ye s Yes
Data Storage Configuration Files Yes No Yes
Data Storage Non-volatile
parameters Yes Yes Ye s
Also, there are mode restrictions for these procedures . . .
Calibration Yes No Yes
Real-time Clock Change Yes Ye s Yes