show servicesetsummary -g Un-Grouped -a hpb499bac0d9a2 -s hpb499bac0d9a201

6.To redirect output to a file, use the command -oas follows:

show servicesetsummary -g <Group Name> -a <Device Serial Number> -s <Service Set Serial Number> -o <output File Name>

For example:

show servicesetsummary -g Un-Grouped -a hpb499bac0d9a2 -s hpb499bac0d9a201 -o c:\servicesetsummary.txt

Exiting the Command Line Interface

At the command prompt, enter the following command:


Using the Command Line Interface in a batch file

You can use the Command Line Interface client as a batch command for generating reports in the background. The CLI batch commands can be used for automatically-generated reports as part of other batch files, scheduler programs, and so forth.

Use the batch command in the following format:

semscli –h [HOSTNAME] –u [USERID] –p [PASSWORD] –c “[BATCH CMD]” > [FILE]

Exiting the Command Line Interface 135