Clicking View Replication Topology (if available) opens a screen that shows a graphical representation NAS shares on the device and their replications.
5.To filter NAS shares by type, select the type of shares to view (all, source, target, or
The screen refreshes to display only NAS shares of that type.
NOTE: If there are no NAS shares of that type, the list appears but there are no entries.
NOTE: If you are viewing only source shares, click + next to the share name to display the associated Target Share. Source shares have only one Target Share.
If you are viewing only target shares, click + next to the share name to display the associated source shares. Target shares may have more than one Source Share.
6.To export the share information:
a.Click Export.
b.In the Select location for download [file name] dialog box, navigate to the appropriate folder in which to save the file.
c.Ensure the file name is appropriate.
d.Click Save.
A success dialog box appears.
e.Click OK to close the dialog box.