5.Click the Install button.
6.Select Protocol.
7.Click the Add button.
8.Click Have Disk...
9.Click Browse.
10.Browse to the VideoNet folder on the DVD (for example, D:\Videonet\Windows XP).
This displays a file named videonet.inf in the File Name field.
11.Select Open.
The Install from disk dialog box reappears.
12.Click OK.
A window appears, listing the VideoNet Driver.
13.Highlight VideoNet Driver, then click OK.
Windows installs the VideoNet protocol. After the install has completed, the Network Properties for chosen card will be displayed.
Note If Windows displays the message, “The software you are installing for this hardware has not passed Windows Logo testing to verify its compatibility with Windows,” click the Continue Anyway button. The software has been thoroughly tested with all sup- ported Windows operating systems.
Uncheck the VideoNet protocol from this card by clicking once on the check box. Use the identifying information in this tab to verify that you are configuring your office LAN set- tings, not the VideoNet card settings.
15.Click OK to close the window.
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