If corrective measures do not solve a problem, contact technical support.

TxCode 8 means the transmit modem is working properly. It is the code you will see most of the time.

Note: Remember that IRU refers to the receive modem, and that

ITU refers to the transmit modem.

Table 6: Transmit status (TxCode) messages and corrective actions


Message Displayed









The transmitter is not

This status will occur only if the Indoor Transmit Unit (ITU) is not connected to


connected to the receiver

the Indoor Receive Unit (IRU). It can result for the following reasons:



• The 25-pin parallel cable is not properly connected to the Indoor Receive Unit



or Indoor Transmit Unit: Check the cable and make sure the ends are securely






• Indoor Transmit Unit failure. The Indoor Transmit Unit has failed and may need



to be replaced.





The transmitter has been

This condition occurs when the transmitter is not enabled. A transmitter may be


disabled by the Network

disabled for short periods of time by the NOC for service or troubleshooting. It


Operations Center

may also be disabled if the user discontinues the satellite service. If this



condition persists, it can only be corrected by requesting that the unit be








The transmitter has been

This status requires no user action and this test usually completes in 15 minutes


placed in test mode by the

or less. This condition occurs when the NOC places the transmitter into special


Network Operations Center

transmission modes to measure the performance of the transmitter. When in this



mode, the unit is unable to transmit normal user data to the NOC.





The transmitter is locking to

This condition occurs during initial startup or when the receiver is locking to the


the receive carrier

receive signal. It is normal for this condition to persist for up to 10 seconds. If this






persists for more than 10 seconds, try disconnecting and reconnecting the



receiver coaxial cable and wait 10 seconds. If the situation still persists, then the



Indoor Transmit Unit may need to be replaced.





The transmitter is not

This condition indicates that something is not operating properly in the


responding to commands sent

Receive/Transmit Unit configuration. Perform the following actions to attempt to


from the receiver

recover from this condition:



• Verify that the Indoor Receive and Transmit Units are securely connected with



a 25-pin parallel cable.



• Reset the IRU by unplugging the IRU power cord from the wall socket and then



plugging the power cord back into the wall socket. This will reset the Indoor



Receive and Transmit Units.



This condition could also be caused if the power supply is faulty. If this condition



cannot be resolved by following the steps listed above, then you may need to



replace the power supply, the Receive/Transmit unit cable and/or the Transmit








Chapter 3 • The User Interface 1031484-0001 Revision 2

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Hughes DW4020 manual Transmit status TxCode messages and corrective actions