If corrective measures do not solve a problem, contact technical support.
TxCode 8 means the transmit modem is working properly. It is the code you will see most of the time.
Note: Remember that IRU refers to the receive modem, and that
ITU refers to the transmit modem.
Table 6: Transmit status (TxCode) messages and corrective actions
Numeric | Message Displayed | Comments |
TxCode |
0 | The transmitter is not | This status will occur only if the Indoor Transmit Unit (ITU) is not connected to |
| connected to the receiver | the Indoor Receive Unit (IRU). It can result for the following reasons: |
| • The |
| or Indoor Transmit Unit: Check the cable and make sure the ends are securely |
| fastened. |
| • Indoor Transmit Unit failure. The Indoor Transmit Unit has failed and may need |
| to be replaced. |
1 | The transmitter has been | This condition occurs when the transmitter is not enabled. A transmitter may be |
| disabled by the Network | disabled for short periods of time by the NOC for service or troubleshooting. It |
| Operations Center | may also be disabled if the user discontinues the satellite service. If this |
| condition persists, it can only be corrected by requesting that the unit be |
| enabled. |
2 | The transmitter has been | This status requires no user action and this test usually completes in 15 minutes |
| placed in test mode by the | or less. This condition occurs when the NOC places the transmitter into special |
| Network Operations Center | transmission modes to measure the performance of the transmitter. When in this |
| mode, the unit is unable to transmit normal user data to the NOC. |
3 | The transmitter is locking to | This condition occurs during initial startup or when the receiver is locking to the |
| the receive carrier | receive signal. It is normal for this condition to persist for up to 10 seconds. If this |
| condition |
| persists for more than 10 seconds, try disconnecting and reconnecting the |
| receiver coaxial cable and wait 10 seconds. If the situation still persists, then the |
| Indoor Transmit Unit may need to be replaced. |
4 | The transmitter is not | This condition indicates that something is not operating properly in the |
| responding to commands sent | Receive/Transmit Unit configuration. Perform the following actions to attempt to |
| from the receiver | recover from this condition: |
| • Verify that the Indoor Receive and Transmit Units are securely connected with |
| a |
| • Reset the IRU by unplugging the IRU power cord from the wall socket and then |
| plugging the power cord back into the wall socket. This will reset the Indoor |
| Receive and Transmit Units. |
| This condition could also be caused if the power supply is faulty. If this condition |
| cannot be resolved by following the steps listed above, then you may need to |
| replace the power supply, the Receive/Transmit unit cable and/or the Transmit |
| Unit. |
Chapter 3 • The User Interface