The Connectivity Test Menu
You may lose connectivity to a particular server due to the Internet and/or the satellite network being heavily loaded or due to the server being down. If possible, check connectivity to some other server on the Internet to ensure it is not a server specific problem. Follow the procedure below for troubleshooting:
Network Operations Center (NOC) Connectivity
Use the Connectivity Test from the left pane to check connectivity to the DIRECWAY NOC.
Note: You may want to open a second browser window to be able to access this help page while conducting the Connectivity Test.
1.Click on Connectivity Test on the left hand side of the User Interface. The screen in Figure 40 appears.
2.Run the test. A message will appear, informing you if the test was successful.
If the connectivity test succeeds, try pinging the NOC Router Address from the computer. This address can be obtained from the System Information page. See System Information on page 45.
If this succeeds, skip to the Internet Connectivity test below. If this fails, the default gateway is probably not set correctly on the computer’s network settings. The default Gateway should be the Gateway IP address. Fix this in the computer's network settings and repeat the connectivity test.
If the test still fails,
If the connectivity test fails, check the DW4020 configuration via the System Information page.
Chapter 3 • The User Interface