Display Hardware Error Report
This service aid provides a tool for viewing the hardwaerrpte error log. It uses the command.
The | Display | Error Summary and | Display | Error Detail | selection provide the same type |
of report aserrpthecommand. The Display | Error Analysis Summary and Display | ||||
Error | Analysis | Detail selection | provide | additional | analysis. |
Display Hardware Vital Product Data
This service aid displays all installed resources along with any VPD for those resources. Use this service aid when you want to look at the VPD for a specific resource.
Display Machine Check Error Log
Note: The Machine Check Error Log Service Aid is available only on Standalone Diagnostics.
When a |
| machine | check | occurs, information is collected and logged | in | a | NVRAM |
| |||||||||||||
error | log | before | the server | shuts | down. This | information | is | logged | in | the | AIX | error | ||||||||||
log | and | cleared | from | NVRAM when | the | system | is | rebooted | from the hard disk, LAN, | |||||||||||||
or | standalone | media. | When booting from Standalone Diagnostics, this service aid |
| ||||||||||||||||||
can | take | the | logged | information | and | turn | it | into | a readable | format | that can be used | |||||||||||
isolate |
| the | problem. | When booting from the hard | disk | or | LAN, | the | information | can |
| |||||||||||
be | viewed | from | the | AIX error log using the Hardware | Error Report Service Aid. In | |||||||||||||||||
either case the information is | analyzed | when | running | the | sysplanar0 | diagnostics | in | |||||||||||||||
Problem | Determination | Mode. |
Display Microcode Level
The following usage statements describe the syntax of the command to display the current level of microcode on an adapter or device.