Bin Setup menu
Menu item
Output Bin
Standard Bin
Bin [x]
Configure Bins
Mail Overflow
Link Optional
Type Assignment
Overflow Bin
Standard Bin
Bin [x]
Assign Type/Bin
Plain Paper Bin
Card Stock Bin Transparency Bin Recycled Bin Glossy Bin Heavy Glossy Bin Labels Bin Vinyl Labels Bin Bond Bin Envelope Bin Rough Envelope Bin Letterhead Bin Preprinted Bin Colored Bin
Light Paper Bin Heavy Paper Bin Rough/Cotton Bin Custom [x] Bin
Specifies the default exit bin
Note: Standard Bin is the factory default setting.
Specifies configuration options for exit bins
•Mailbox is the factory default setting. This setting treats each bin as a separate mailbox.
•Link configures all available bins as one large exit bin.
•Mail Overflow assigns an overflow bin when the mailbox bins become full.
•Link Optional links together all available exit bins except the standard bin and only appears when at least two optional bins are installed.
•Type Assignment assigns each paper type to an exit bin or linked bin set.
•Bins assigned the same name are automatically linked unless Link Optional is selected.
Specifies an alternate exit bin when a designated bin is full
Note: Standard Bin is the factory default setting.
Selects an exit bin for each supported paper type
Select from the following options for each type: Disabled
Standard Bin Bin [x]
Note: Disabled is the factory default setting.
Understanding printer menus