SuperSign Server
On the main screen of the SuperSign, you can monitor the general system through the dash-

Home Window Layout and Functions

The following shows the layout and functions of the Home window.
No. Name Function
Menu tab Menu tabs for key functions
Personal details
and monitoring area
•Displays the user’s personal information.
- Including user ID, name, role, and most recent login.
•Monitored information
- Server storage: Displays used and available space com-
pared to the total space.
- Player Network Status: Display the status of a connected
player, disconnected player or player with errors.
- Pending Approval: Shows a list of items pending approval
(accounts, content, schedule, and distribution).
Dashboard title and
launch menu
Adds or deletes dashboard categories, or loads updated informa-
•[+Add] : Allows users to select a category to add to, or to
delete from the dashboard.
• : Loads information on the updated categories.
Dashboard area •Dashboard information
- Goes to the details page when the linked information is
•Moves the category location.