86 SuperSign Server
You can view or manage (approve, reject, and delete) all user accounts.

User Window Layout and Functions

The following shows the layout and functions of the User window.
① ②
③ ④
No. Name Function
Action buttons •[Create New]: Creates a user account.
•[Delete]: Deletes a user account. (all information related to
the user ID will also be deleted.)
•[Approve]: Approves a user account not approved.
•[Reject]: Rejects a user account not approved.
Sorting •Filter: Filter by role.
•Sort: Sort by various categories (e.g., last date updated).
• : Sort in ascending or descending order.
•Display: Set the number of items to display by pressing the
• / / : List view/Normal view/Thumbnail view
• User Menu is a feature that is available only in SuperSign W and SuperSign V. If you want
to use this feature, please purchase SuperSign W or SuperSign V.