Using the Main Menu
6Click OK to return to the menu.
Restarting or Shutting Down the
To restart or shut down the DVR:
2Click Advanced.
3Click Reboot or Shut Down.
Reboot / Shut Down
4Follow the
Configuring System Warnings
The system can send out email notifications if it detects system abnormalities. For example, the system can send out a warning if the hard drive is low on storage.
To configure system warnings:
1Click the Events tab.
2Configure the following:
•Event Type: Select the event that triggers the system to send out a notification. Choose from Disk No Space (low hard drivespace),Disk Error (harddriveerror), or Video Loss.
•Enable: Select Enable or Disable to activate or deactivate the system from sending out notifications.
•Show Message: Select the checkbox for the system to display an error message when an event occurs.
•Send Email: Select the checkbox for the system to send out email notifications when a system error occurs. Please note that email notifications must be configured.
•Buzzer: Select the buzzer (system beep) duration when the system detects a system error.
3Click Apply to save your settings.