Trigger Happy
Modern videogames are in this way more seductive than ever, as thanks to their visual enhancement they challenge us doubly. The same gameplayer who couldn’t help just watching Lara for a while also mused that she found it more disturbing when Lara died than when
The history of videogames’ iconic powers, their increasing ability to draw a pretty world, has opened up new potential for semiotic richness. But good graphics cannot work alone: what matters in modern gameplay terms is the interaction of all three types of sign. A gorgeous game with nothing interesting to do is just a bad piece of software.
As videogames deliver richer visual experiences, it seems, ever more people will be willing to pick them up and play. A good modern exploration game such as Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation (Lara’s last outing on the original PlayStation) depends very heavily in this way on its iconic attractiveness. Jeremy Smith of