Trigger Happy
Well, that’s how the story usually goes.4 But beginnings are slippery things. Actually, the world’s first videogame was created four years earlier, at a U.S. government nuclear research facility, the Brookhaven National Laboratory. William A. Higinbotham, an engineer who had designed timing devices for the Manhattan Project’s atomic bomb and helped in the first developments of radar, worked at Brookhaven in charge of instrumentation design. He was trying to dream up an entertaining exhibit for visiting members of the public, and he hacked together a rudimentary
But owing to this lone pioneer’s
4 Both J. C. Herz (in Joystick Nation) and Alain and FrÉdÉric Le Diberder (L’Univers des jeux vidÉo) give this erroneous starting point. A thorough history is provided by Leonard Herman’s excellent Phoenix: The Fall and Rise of Videogames, to which I am indebted in this section.