3-36 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Maintenence Analysis Procedures
•Event code 142 - OpenTrunking firmware detected an ISL with
no transmission BB_Credit for a period of time that exceeded the
configured low BB_Credit threshold. Th is results in downstream
fabric congestion.
No action is required for an isolated event or if the reporting ISL
approaches 100% throughput. If the event per sists, perform one of
the following:
• Relieve the congestion by adding parallel ISL s between the
fabric elements reporting the problem.
• Increase the ISL link speed between the fabr ic elements
reporting the problem (from 1 Gbps to 2 Gbps).
• Reroute Fibre Channel traffic by moving devic e connections to a
less-congested region of the fabric.
Was the maintenance acti on successful?
↓The fabric, ISL, and product are operation al . Exit MAP.
Contact the next level of support. Exit M AP.
Event code 150 indicates a fabric merge process failed dur i ng ISL
initialization. An incompatible zone set was detected or a problem
occurred during delivery of a z o ne merge frame. This event code
always precedes event code 070, and represents the reply of a n
adjacent fabric element in response to a zone mer ge frame. Obtain
supplementary event data as follow s:
a. At the Event Log, examine the first 12 bytes (0 through 11) of
event data.
b. Bytes 0 specifies the E_Port reporting the problem. Bytes 8
through 11 specify the failure reason as listed in Table 3-14.
Table 3-14 Fabric Merge Failure Reasons and Actions
Bytes 8 - 11 Merge Failure Reason Action
01 Invalid data length. Go to step 23.
08 Invalid zone set format. Go to step 23.
09 Invalid data. Go to step 24.
0A Cannot merge. Go to step 24.