3-34 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Maintenence Analysis Procedures
a. At the Event Log, examine the first five bytes (0 through 4) of
event data.
b. Byte 0 specifies the E_Port reporting the problem. Byte 4
specifies the port fence code as listed in Table 3-13.
An E_Port is fenced because of a protocol er ror. Depending on failure
cause, additional information and event c ode s are available at the
product or attached switch. Perform one of the fo llowing:
• The E_Port is segmented and accompanied b y pr imary event
code 070. Go to step 7.
• The fiber-optic cable is disconnected, th e cable failed or is
degraded, or the port optical transceiver f ailed. The failure is
accompanied by a primary event code indicating the failure type.
Go to MAP 0000: Start MAP and perform fault isolation for the
primary event code. Exit MAP.
• The E_Port is fenced becau se of persistent incomplete
operations (ISL bouncing). Go to MAP 0000: Start MAP and
perform fault isolation at the attached switc h. Exit MAP.
• The E_Port is fenced because of application-layer protocol
errors. Go to MAP 0000: Start MAP and perform fault isola tion at
the attached switch. Exit MAP.
An E_Port is fenced because devices connec te d t o the attached
fabric element are flooding the ISL with frames (hot I/O). These
link-level problems are typically associated with legacy devices,
arbitrated loop devices, or magnetic tape driv es. Perform one of the
Table 3-13 Port Fence Codes and Actions
Byte 4 Port Fence Code Action
01 Protocol error. Go to step 17.
02 Link-level hot I/O. Go to step 18.
03 Security violation. Go to step 19.