2-22 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Installation Tasks
Feature status is indicated by a green check markD(i nstalled) or
a red X (uninstalled). Flexport Technology status is indicated by
the number of installed ports. Click a feature title in the Feature
panel and a description appears in th e Feature Details panel.
2. Type the key in the Feature Key field and click Update. The
interface refreshes and indicates the update changes in the Feature
NOTE: When OK is selected, all features are updated with new features.
3. Click OK. New PFE key(s) activate, the message Feature
installation in process. Your browser connection will be
unavailable until unit restart is complete. displays, and the
product performs a non-disruptive (to Fibre Channel traffic)
firmware reset.
4. After the product reset, the message Feature installation
complete. Click here to login. displays.
5. Click here to login and start a new EFCM Basic Edition session.
The Enter Network Password dialog box displays.
Interswitch Links This section describes optional ISL performance features configured
through Configure menu selections. Features include:
Preferred path - Use the Preferred Path View to specify and
configure one or more ISL data paths between multiple fabric
elements. At each fabric element, a pref e rred pa t h cons i s t s of a
source port, exit port, and destina tion Domain_ID.
Port fencing - Use the Port Fencing View to minimize ISLs that
bounce (repeatedly attempt to establish a connection), causing
disruptive fabric rebuilds. Fencing defines a bounce threshold
that when reached, automatically blocks the disruptive E_Port.
To configure optional features, refer to the McDATA EFCM Basic
Edition User Manua l (620-000240) for instructions.
Verify the LAN installation with the customer. If multiple products
are installed or a public LAN segment is used, network addresses
must be changed to conform to the customer’s LAN addressing
scheme. Go to Task 4: Configure Product Network Information (Optional).
If no additional options, features, or network addresses are to be
configured, go to Task 5: Cable Fibre Channel Ports.