Maintenance Analysis Procedures 3-1
Maintenance AnalysisProcedures
This chapter describes maintenance analysis procedures (MAPs) used
by service representatives to faul t isol ate Spher eon 43 00 Fabri c Switc h
problems or failures to the field- replaceable unit (FRU) level. MAPs
consist of step-by-step procedures that provide information to
interpret system events, iso late a failure to a single FRU, remove and
replace the failed FRU, and verify product operation.
Factory Defaults
Table 3- 1 lists factory defaults for product passwords (customer and
maintenance level), and the product’s Internet Protocol (IP) address,
subnet mask, and gateway address.
Table 3-1 Factory-Set Defaults
Item Default
Customer password password
Maintenance password level-2
IP address
Subnet mask
Gateway address