xviii McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Korean MIC Mark The Korean Ministry of I nformation and Communic ations mark
(MIC mark) on a product indicates compliance with regulatory
requirements for safety and EMC (fo r information technology
equipment) as authorized and certified by the Korean Radio
Research Institute (RRI).
Mexican NOM Mark The Official Mexican Standard (Normas Oficiales Mexicanas or
NOM) mark on a product indicates compliance with regulatory
requirements for safety (for information technology equipment) as
authorized and accredited by the National System of Accreditation of
Testing Laboratories (Sistema Nacional de Acreditamieno de
Laboratorios de Pruebas or SINALP).
Russian GOST
Certification The Russian Gosudarstvennyi Standart (GOST) mark on a product
indicates compliance with regulatory requirements for safety and
EMC (for information technology equipment) as authorized and
accredited by the State Committee for Standardization, Metrology
and Certification.
Danger and Attention
Statements The following DANGER statement appears in this publication and
describes a safety practice that must be observed while installing or
servicing a product. A DANGER statement provides essential
information or instructions for which disregard or noncomplia nce
may result in death or severe personal injury. The statement appears
in English, followed by translation s to:
• Chinese (simplified - People’s R epublic of China).
• Chinese (traditional - Taiwan).
• French (European).