4-24 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Repair Information
Back Up
Configuration To back up the switch configuration file to the PC communicating
with the EFCM Basic Edition interface:
1. Select Backup Configuration from the Maintenance menu at any
view. The Backup Configuration View displays (Figure4-9).
Figure4 -9 Backup Configuration View
2. Right-click the Configuration file link to open a list of menu
options. Select the Save Ta rget As menu option. The Save As dialog
box displays.
3. At the Save As dialog box, select the hard drive (C:\) from the
Save in drop-down menu, type a descriptive name for the
extensible markup langu a ge (.xml) configuration file in the File
name field, and click Save.
4. A Download dialog box displays, showing the estimated time
remaining to complete the backup process. When finished, the
dialog box changes to a Download complete dialog box.
5. Click Close to close the dialog box.
Restore Configuration To restore the switch configuration file from the PC communicating
with the EFCM Basic Edition interface:
1. Inform the customer the switch is to be set offline. Ensure the
system administrator quiesces Fibre Channel frame traffic
through the switch and sets attached devices offline.
2. Set the switch offline. For in structions, refer to Set Online State.
3. Select Restore Configuration from the Maintenance menu at any
view. The Restore Configuration View displays (Figure4-10).