A-26 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Event Code Tables
Event Code: 411
Message: Firmware fault.
Severity: Major.
Explanation: Switch firmware encountered an unexpected condition and dumped operating state information to FL ASH
memory for retrieval and analysis. The dump file automatically transfers to the management server, where it is
stored for retrieval through a data collection.
The switch performs a software reset, during which all attached Fibre Channel devices are mo mentarily
disrupted, log out, and log back in.
Action: Perform a data collection and return the CD to support personnel.
Event Data: Bytes 0 - 3 = fault identifier, least sig nificant byte first.
Distribution: Product Management Server Host
EFCM Basic
Event Log System
Error LED Event Log E-Mail Call-Home Sense Info Link Incident
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Event Code: 412
Message: CTP watchdog timer reset.
Severity: Informational.
Explanation: The hardware watchdog timer expired and caused the CTP card to reset.
Action: Perform a data collection and return the CD to support personnel.
Event Data: Byte 0 = rese t type as follows: 00 = task switch did not occur within approximately one second,
01 = interrupt servicing blocked for more than approximately one second.
Distribution: Product Management Server Host
EFCM Basic
Event Log System
Error LED Event Log E-Mail Call-Home Sense Info Link Incident