3-24 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Maintenence Analysis Procedures
Change the port speed to be compat ible with the backplane or optical
transceiver speed.
a. Select Ports and Basic Info from the Configure menu at any
view. The Basic Information View displays.
b. If necessary, use the vertical scroll bar to display the information
row for the inactive port.
c. Select (click) the Speed field and configure the por t.
d. Click OK or Activate.
Was the maintenance acti on successful?
The product port is operational. Exit MAP.
Contact the next level of support. Exit M AP.
As indicated by event codes 506, 512, 514, 515, or 516, a port failed
and the optical transceiver must be remov ed and replaced. Refer to
RRP 1: SFP Optical Transceiver.
The procedure is concurrent and perform ed while the product is
Replace the transceiver with a transceiver of the same type
(shortwave or longwave) and speed.
Perform an external loopback test. Refer to External Loopback
Test .
NOTE: Event code 514 may generate a c all-home event that inc orrectly
indicates a CTP card failure. Although the optical socket on the CTP card
may have failed, replace the transceiver and verif y operat ion. If a fai lure is sti ll
indicated, replace the switch. When event code 514 is indicated, ensure a
replacement transceiver and switch are avail able.
Was the maintenance acti on successful?
The product port is operational. Exit MAP.
Contact the next level of support. Exit M AP.