Event Code Tables A-29
Event Code Tables
Event Code: 440
Message: Embedded port hardware failed.
Severity: Major.
Explanation: The embedded port hardware detected a fatal error.
Action: Replace the switch.
Event Data: Byte 0 = CTP slot position (00).
Byte 1 = engineering reason code
Bytes 4 - 7 = elapsed millisecond tick count.
Distribution: Product Management Server Host
EFCM Basic
Event Log System
Error LED Event Log E-Mail Call-Home Sense Info Link Incident
✔✔ ✔
Event Code: 442
Message: Embedded port anomaly detected.
Severity: Informational.
Explanation: The switch detected a deviation in the normal operating mode or status of the embed ded port.
Action: No action required. An additional event code is generated if this incident exceeds an error thre shold or results in
a port failure.
Event Data: Byte 0 = embe dded port number. Byte 12 = detecting port.
Byte 1 = anomaly reason code. Byte 13 = connected port.
Bytes 4 - 7 = elapsed millisecond tick count. Bytes 16 and 17 = HA error callout #3.
Bytes 8 and 9 = HA error callout #1. Bytes 18 and 19 = HA error callout #4.
Bytes 10 and 11 = HA error callout #2.
Distribution: Product Management Server Host
EFCM Basic
Event Log System
Error LED Event Log E-Mail Call-Home Sense Info Link Incident