Installation Tasks 2-9
Installation Tasks
b. Click Time fields that require change, and type numbers in the
following ranges:
•Hour (HH): 0 through 23.
•Minute (MM): 0 through 59.
• Second (SS): 0 through 59.
2. Click OK to save and activate changes.
Configure Parameters Perform this procedure to configure product operating parameters.
1. Set the product offline. Refer to Set Online State for instructions.
2. Select Switch and Parameters from the Confi gure menu at any view.
The Parameters View displays (Figure2-4).
a. At the Insistent Domain ID field, check (enable) or uncheck
(disable) the parameter. When enab led, the value configured
in the Preferred Domain ID field becomes the active domain ID
when the fabric initializes.
Figure2-4 Parameters View