Maintenance Analysis Procedures 3-25
Maintenence Analysis Procedures
As indicated by event code 507, a port failed a loopback test. R es et
the failed port.
a. At the EFCM Basic Edition interface:
1. Select Ports and Reset from the Maintenance menu at any
view. The Reset View displays.
2. If necessary, use the vertical scroll bar to display the
information row for the port.
3. Select (click) the check box in the Reset column.
4. Click OK. The port resets.
b. Perform an external loopback test fo r the reset port. Refer to
External Loopback Test.
Was the maintenance action successful?
↓The product port is operational. Exit MAP.
Go to step 16.
A message appeared in the Link Incident Log or an event code 581,
582, 583, 584, 585, or 586 was observed at the console of an OSI
server attached to the product reporting the problem. Monitor port
operation for approximately five minutes.
Did the link incident recur?
↓The problem is transient and the product por t is operational.
Exit MAP.
Clean fiber-optic components.
a. Inform the customer the port will be bloc k ed. Ensure the system
administrator quiesces Fibre Channel f rame traffic and sets
attached devices offl ine.
b. Block the port. Refer to Block or Unblock a Port.
c. Clean fiber-optic connec to rs . Refer to Clean Fiber-Optic