Event Code Tables A-31
Event Code Tables
Port Events (500 through 599)Event Code: 506
Message: Fibre Channel port failure.
Severity: Major.
Explanation: A Fibre channel port failed. The amber LED corresponding to the port illuminates to indicate the failure. Ports with
LEDs extinguished remain operational.
Action: Perform a a data collection and return the CD to support personnel. Perform a switch reset. If the problem
persists, replace the switch.
Event Data: Byte 0 = port num ber. Bytes 17 and 18 = transmitter technology.
Byte 1 = engineering reason code. Byte 19 = distance capability.
Bytes 4 - 7 = elapsed millisecond tick count. Byte 20 = supported transmission media.
Bytes 8 - 11 = reason code specific. Byte 21 and 22 = speed capability.
Byte 16 = connector type.
Distribution: Product Management Server Host
EFCM Basic
Event Log System
Error LED Event Log E-Mail Call-Home Sense Info Link Incident
✔✔ ✔
Event Code: 507
Message: Loopback diagnostics port failure.
Severity: Informational.
Explanation: A loopback diagnostic test detected a Fibre Channel port failure.
Action: No action required. An event code 506 is generated if this diagnostic failure results in a hard p ort failure.
Event Data: Byte 0 = port num ber. Bytes 8 - 11 = reason code specific.
Byte 1 = engineering reason code. Byte 12 = test type.
Bytes 4 - 7 = elapsed millisecond tick count.
Distribution: Product Management Server Host
EFCM Basic
Event Log System
Error LED Event Log E-Mail Call-Home Sense Info Link Incident