4-26 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Repair Information
6. The switch IP address resets to the default address of
If the configured IP address (prior to reset) was the same as
the default address, the browser-to-switch Internet connection
is not affected and the procedure is complete.
If the configured IP address (prior to reset) was not the
same as the default address, the browser-to-switch Internet
connection drops and the EFCM Basic Edition session is lost.
Continue to the next step.
7. To change the switch IP ad dress and restart the EFCM Basic
Edition interface, refer to Configure Network Information. To restart
the EFCM Basic Edition interface using the default IP address of
a. At th e browser, enter the default IP address of as the
Internet URL. The Enter Network Password dialog box displays.
b. Type the default user name and password.
NOTE: The default user name is Administrato r and the default
password is password. The user name and password are
c. Click OK. The EFCM Basic Edition interface opens and the
procedure is complete.