Maintenance Analysis Procedures 3-21
Maintenence Analysis Procedures
A loopback (wrap) plug is connected to the port with no diagnostic
running. Remove the plug from the port rece ptac l e. If directed by the
customer, connect a fiber-optic jumper cable at taching a device to the
• If the port is operational with no device attached, both LEDs
adjacent to the port extinguish and the port state is No Light.
• If the port is operational with a device attached, the blue/ gr een
LED illuminates, the amber LED extinguishes, and the port state
is Online.
Was the maintenance action successful?
↓The product port is operational. Exit MAP.
Contact the next level of support. Exit MAP.
An ISL connection is not allowed because E_P ort capability is
disabled. Install the full-fabric PFE key to enable E_port capability.
Refer to Install PFE Keys (Optional). Exit MAP.
The connection timed out because of an unresp onsive device or an
ISL security violation (authorization failure reject). Check port status
and clean fiber-optic components.
a. Inform the customer the port will be blocked. Ensure the system
administrator quiesces Fibre Channel f rame traffic and sets
attached devices offl ine.
b. Block the port. Refer to Block or Unblock a Port.
c. Clean fiber-optic connectors . R efer to Clean Fiber-Optic
d. Unblock the port. Refer to Block or Unblock a Port.
e. Monitor port operation for approximately five minutes.
Was the maintenance action successful?
↓The product port is operational. Exit MAP.