4-18 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Repair Information
10. Reset the tested port:
a. Select Ports and Reset from the Maintenance menu at any view.
The Reset View displays.
b. For the tested port, click (enable) the check box in the Reset
column. A check mark in the box indicates the port reset
option is enable d.
c. Click OK. The po rt resets.
11. Inform the customer the test is complete and the device can be
reconnected and set online.
Collect Maintenance Data When firmware detects a critical error, the product automatically
copies the contents of dynamic random access memory (DRAM) to a
dump area in FLASH memory on the CTP card. Perform this
procedure after a firmware fault or FRU failure to capture data for
analysis by support personnel. Maintenance data includes the dump
file and engineering logs.
NOTE: An optional full-volatility feature is often required at military sites
that process classified data. If the feature is enabled through a product feature
enablement (PFE) key, a memory dump file (that may include classified Fibre
Channel frames) is not included as part of the data collection procedure.
To collect maintenance data:
1. At the EFCM Basic Edition interface, select S ystem Files from the
Maintenance menu at any view. The System Files View displays
(Figure 4-5).
Figure4 -5 System Files View