3-8 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Maintenence Analysis Procedures
A link incident may have occ urred, but the LIN alerts opti on is not
enabled and the yellow triangle (attention i ndi c ator) does not appear.
Inspect the Link Incident Log:
a. Select Link Incident from the Logs menu at any view. The Link
Incident Log displays.
b. If a link incident occurred, the port num ber is listed with one of
the following messages.
— Link interface incident - implicit incident.
— Link inte rfa ce incident - bit-erro r threshold exceeded.
— Link failure - loss of signal or loss of synchroni zation.
— Link failure - not-ope rat ional primitive seque nce (NOS)
— Li n k f ailure - primitive sequence timeout.
— Li n k fa ilure - invalid primitive sequence received for the
current link state.
Did a listed message appear?
↓A Fibre Channel link incident is indicated. Go to MAP 0500:
Port Failure or Link Incident Analysis. Exit MAP.
Perform a data collection and contact the next level of support. Refer
to Collect Maintenance Data. Exit MAP.
If an incident occurs on the Fibre Channel link between the product
and attached OSI server, a link inciden t record is generated and sent
to the server console using the reporting pr oc edure defined in
Was a link incident record generated and sent to the OSI server?
↓A Fibre Channel link incident is indicated. Go to MAP 0500:
Port Failure or Link Incident Analysis. Exit MAP.
Perform a data collection and contact the next level of support. Refer
to Collect Maintenance Data. Exit MAP.