4-6 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Repair Information
Download Firmware from the FilecenterThe firmware version shipped w ith the product is provided on the
System Version XX.YY.ZZ CD-ROM. Subsequent (upgrade) fir mware
versions are provided to customers through the McDATA Filecenter.
NOTE: When upgrading firmware, follow all procedural information
contained in release notes or engineering change (EC) instructions that
accompany the version. Such information supplements information provided
in this general procedure.
Download the firmware version to the hard drive of a server with
Internet access. This server can be the PC communicating with the
EFCM Basic Edition interface. To download a firmware version:
1. At the server with Internet access, open the McDATA home page
(http://mcdata.com). Select File Center fr om t he Support menu. The
Filecenter home page opens (Figure4-2 ).
Figure4 -2 McDATA Filecenter Home Page
2. Select (click) Login at the top of the page. The Login page displays.
3. Type a user name and password (assigned and registered while
performing Task 8: Register with the McDATA File Center) and click
Login. The Welcome, you hav e been logged in page displays .