Maintenance Analysis Procedures 3-29
Maintenence Analysis Procedures
Was the maintenance action successful?
↓The fabric, ISL, and product are operationa l . Exit MAP.
Contact the next level of support. Exit MAP.
As indicated by event code 063, Fabric Controller software detect ed a
fabric element with more than the allowed nu mber of ISLs. Fibre
Channel frames may be lost or directed in loops because of potential
fabric routing problems.
Advise the customer of the prob lem and reconfigure the fabric s o that
no directors or switches have more than the pro scribed number of
Was the maintenance action successful?
↓The fabric, ISL, and product are operationa l . Exit MAP.
Contact the next level of support. Exit MAP.
Event code 070 indicates an E_Port detected an incompatibility with
an attached fabric element, segmented the port, and prev ented fabric
participation. A segmented E_port cannot tr ansmit Class 2 or Class 3
Fibre Channel traffic. Event code 071 ind icates the product is isolated
from all fabric elements, and is accompanied by an eve nt code 070
for each segmented E_Port. Even t code 071 is resolved when all 070
events are corrected. Obtain supplementary even t data a s follows:
a. At the Event Log, examine the first five bytes of event data.
b. Byte 0 specifies the segmented E_port. Byte 4 specifies the
segmentation reason as listed in Table 3-12. The reason also
displays at the Port List View .