Repair Information 4-11
Repair Information
Old Exit Port - Port number (decimal) transmitting Fibr e Cha nnel
traffic before the re-route.
New Exit Port - Port number (decimal) transmitting Fibre
Channel traffic after the re-route.
Fabric Log The Fabric Log records the time and nature of changes made to a
multiswitch fabric. The information is useful for isolatin g zoning or
fabric-wide problems. The log describes:
Count - Cumulative count of log entries (wrapping or
Date/Time - Date and time the change occurred.
Description - Description of the zoning or fabric change.
Data - Supplementary information (if available) in text format.
NOTE: Identical entries are recorded in the wrapping and non-wrapping
logs. When the non-wrapping log fills, old records are overwritten. The
wrapping log preserves all records.
Embedded Port Frame
Log The Embedded Port Frame Log records all Fibre Channel frames
transmitted through the product’s embedded port, including Class F
traffic, fabric logins, state change notifications, and exception frames.
The information is useful for F ibre Channel frame debugging
(usually performed by second-level support. The log describes:
Count - Cumulative count of log entries (wrapping or
Date/Time - Date and time frame was transmitted through the
embedded port.
Port # - Fibre Channel port number (decimal) transmitting frame
through the embedded port.
Direction - Fibre Channel frame di rection - incoming (I) or
outgoing (O).
SOF - Start of frame characte r (hexadecimal).
EOF - End of frame characte r (hexadecimal).
Payload Size - Size of frame payload in bytes.
Header - 24-byte frame header (hexadecimal) .
Payload - First 32 bytes of frame payload (hexadecimal).