Installation Tasks 2-11
Installation Tasks
Configure Fabric Parameters Perform this procedure to configure fabric operating parameters.
1. Set the product offline. Refer to Set Online State for instructions.
2. Select Switch and Fabric Parameters from the Configure menu at any
view. The Fabric Parameters View displays (Figure2-5).
Figure2-5 Fabric Parameters View
a. At the R_A_TOV field, type a value between 10 through 1200
tenths of a second (one through 120 seconds). Ten seconds
(100) is the recommended value. The R_A_TOV value must
exceed the E_D_TOV value.
b. At the E_D_TOV field, type a value between 2 through 600
tenths of a second (0.2 through 60 seconds). Two seconds (20)
is the recommended value.
NOTE: Fabric elements must be set to the same R_A_TOV and
E_D_TOV values. An ISL between fabric elements with different
values segments and prevents communication.
c. Select from the Switch Priority drop-down list to designate the
fabric’s principal switch. The p rincipal switch is assigned a
priority of 1 and controls the allocation and distribution of
domain IDs for all fabric elem ents (including itself). Available
selections are Default, Principal, and Never Princip al.