Repair Information 4-21
Repair Information
Figure4-7 Basic Information View
2. Perform one of the following:
— Click the check box for the selected port in the Blocked column
to block the port (default is unblocked). A check mark in the
box indicates the port is blocked.
— Click the check box for the selected port in the Blocked column
to remove the check mark and unblock the port. A blank box
indicates the port is unblocked.
3. Click OK to save and activate changes.
Upgrade Firmware Firmware is the product operating code stored in FLASH memory on
the CTP card. Multiple firmware versions can be stored on a PC hard
drive and made available for download through the EFCM Basic
Edition interface. Perform the following firmware upgrade tasks at
the EFCM Basic Edition interface:
• Determine the active firmware version.
• Downl oad a firmware version.