Event Code Tables A-19
Event Code Tables
Event Code: 150
Message: Fabric merge failure.
Severity: Informational.
Explanation: During ISL initialization, the fabric merge process failed. The fabric binding membership lists do not mat ch, an
incompatible zone set was detected, there is a problem with exchanging zoning parameters, or th e zone set
merge failed. This event code is always preceded by a 070 ISL segmentation event code, and represents the
reply of an adjacent fabric element. Refer to the event data for the failure reason.
Action: Perform a data collection and return the CD to support personnel.
Event Data: Event data are mappe d from the software implementation of the FC-SW2 protocol and are typically complicated.
Decoding the event data requires engineering support. Event data are as follows:
Bytes 0 - 3 = Affected E_Port number(s).
Bytes 4 - 7 = Request SW_ILS command codes.
Bytes 8 - 31 = Request response payloads.
Distribution: Product Management Server Host
EFCM Basic
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