3-28 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Maintenence Analysis Procedures
A minor error occurred that caused the Fabr ic S erv ices database to
be re-initialized to an empty state, and a disrupt ive fabric logout and
login occurred for all attached devices. Indic at ions are:
Event code 011 - The Login Server database fai l ed cyclic
redundancy check (CRC) validation.
Event code 021 - The Name Server database fail e d CRC
Devices resume operatio n aft er fab ri c log in. Pe rfo rm a da t a colle cti on
and contact the next level of support. Refer to Collect Maintenance
Data. Exit MAP.
As indicated by event code 051, a minor error occurred that caused
the Management Server database to be re-initia lized to an empty
state and fail CRC validation. A disruptive se rv er logout and login
occurred for all attached devic es.
Devices resume operation af t er Mana gem ent Serv er log in. P erf or m a
data collection and contact the next level of suppo rt . Refer to Collect
Maintenance Data. Exit MAP.
As indicated by event code 061, a minor error occurred that caused
the Fabric Controller database to be re-initialized to an empty state
and fail CRC validation. The product briefly lost interswitch link
Interswitch links resume oper ation after CTP reset. Perform a data
collection and contact the next level of support . Refer to Collect
Maintenance Data. Exit MAP.
As indicated by event co de 062, Fabric Controller softwa re de tecte d a
path to another fabric element (dire ctor or switch) that traverses more
than three interswitch links (hops). Fibre Channel frames may persist
in the fabric longer than timeout values allo w.
Advise the customer of the problem and recon fig ure the fabric so the
path between any two fabric elements does not trave rse more than
three hops.