3-18 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Maintenence Analysis Procedures
As indicated by event code 080, the eight-byte (16-digit) worldwide
name (WWN) is not valid or an unconfigured n ic k name was used.
a. Select Node List from the Product menu at any view. The Node
List View displays.
b. At the Port WWN column, inspect the WWN assigned to the po rt
or attached device.
c. The WWN must be entered in ( XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX)
format or must be a valid nickname. Ensure a valid WWN or
nickname is entered.
Was the maintenance acti on successful?
The product port is operational. Exit MAP.
Contact the next level of support. Exit M AP.
As indicated by event code 081, a port has an inva l i d at tachment.
a. At the Event Log, examine the first five bytes of event data.
b. Byte 0 specifies the port reporting the problem. Byte 4 specifies
the invalid attachment reason as listed in Ta ble 3 -9.
Link failure - not-operational primitive sequence (NOS) received. Go to step 18.
Link failure - primitive sequence timeout. Go to step 18.
Link failure - invalid primitive sequence received for current link state. Go to step 18.
Table 3-9 Invalid Attachment Reasons and Actions
Byte 4 Invalid Attachment Reason Action
01 Unknown Contact the next level
of support.
02 ISL connection not allowed. Go to step 4.
03, 04 Incompatible switch. Go to step 5.
Table 3-8 Link Incident Messages (Continued)
Explanation Action