3-10 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Maintenence Analysis Procedures
The power supply may be disconnected o r failed. Verify connection to
facility power.
a. Ensure the AC power cord is connected to the rear of the swi tch
and a facility power receptacle. If not, connect the power cord as
directed by the customer.
b. Ensure facility circuit breakers are on. If not, ask the customer to
set breakers on.
c. Ensure the AC power cord is not damaged. If dam ag ed, replace
the cord.
Was the maintenance acti on successful?
↓The product is operational. Exit MAP.
A power supply failure is indica t e d. Replace the switch. Exit MAP.
MAP 0200: POST Failure AnalysisThis MAP describes fault isolation for a P OST fa ilu re. Th e fa ilu re
indicator is event code 400 or 411 observed at the Event Log.
Table3-4 lists event codes, explanations, and MAP steps.
As indicated by event code 400, POST/IPL diag nostics detected a
FRU failure.
a. At the Event Log, examine the first two bytes of event data.
Table 3-4 MAP 200 Event Codes
Code Explanation Action
400 Power-up diagnostic failure. Go to step 2.
411 Firmware fault. Go to step 3.