Preface xiii
Where to Get Help For technical support, contact the McDATA solution center. The
center provides a point of contact for assistance and is staffed full
time, including holidays. Contact the center at the phone number, fax
number, or e-mail address listed below. Have the product serial
number (printed on the se rvice label) available.
Phone: (800) 752-4572 or (720) 558-3910
Fax: (720) 558-3851
Send publication-related comments to the solution center by
telephone, fax, or e-mail. Iden tify page numbers and details.
Trademarks The following terms, indicated by a registered trademark symbol
(®) or trademark symbol (™) on first use in this pu blica t io n , are
trademarks of McDATA Corporation or SANavigator, Inc. in the
United States or other countries or both:
Registered Trademark s Trademarks
Multi-Capable Storage
Network Solutions®
Networking the World’s
Business Data®
All other trademarked terms, indicated by a registered trademark
symbol (®) or trademark symbol (™) on first use in this publication,
are trademarks of their respective owners in the United States or
other countries or both.