Installation Tasks 2-17
Installation Tasks
a. Click Enable to activate the installed SNMP agent.
b. Select the appropriate Fibre Allianc e management information
base (FA MIB) fro m the FA MIB Version drop-down list. Valid
selections are FA MI B Version 3.0 or FA MIB Version 3.1.
c. Click (check) the Enable Authentication Traps check box to
enable transmission of SNMP trap messages to recipients.
d. For each configured recipient, type a community name of 32
alphanumeric characters or le ss in the Name field. The name is
incorporated in SNMP trap messages to ensure against
unauthorized viewing.
e. Click (check) the box in the Write Auth column to enable write
authorization for the trap recip ie nt ( def ault is disa bl ed) . Wh en
enabled, a configured user can change sysContact, sysName,
and sysLocation SNMP variables.
f. Type the IP address or DNS host name of the trap recipient
(SNMP management work station) in the Tr ap Re ci pi en t field. It
is recommended the IP address be used.
g. Type a decimal port number in the UDP Port Number field to
specify the UDP port numb er
2. C lick OK to save and activate changes.
Enable CLI Perform this procedure to toggle (enable or disable) the state of the
product’s command line interface. To change the CLI state:
1. S elect CLI from the Configure menu at any view. The CLI View
displays (Figure2-9).
2. Perform one of the following:
•Click Enable to activate the CLI.
•Click Disable to deactivate the CLI.
3. C l ic k (c h ec k) th e Use SS H check box to enable secure shell (SSH)
protocol. The protocol controls CLI access to the product and
provides software-enforced encryption.
4. C lick OK to save and activate changes.