General Information 1-1
General InformationThe McDATA® Sphereon™ 4300 Fabric Sw itch provides 12 ports of
low-cost and high-performance dynamic Fibre Channel connectivity
for switched fabric or arbitrated loop devices. This function allows
low-cost, low-bandwidth workgroup (edge) devices to communicate
with mainframe servers, mass storage devices, or other peripherals,
and ultimately be incorporated into an enterprise storage area
network (SAN) environment. This chapter describes:
• The switch, including field -replaceable units (FRUs), con trols,
connectors, indicators, and specifications.
• Maintenance approach.
• Switch management.
• Error detection, reporting, and serviceability features.
• Tools and test equipment.
Switch DescriptionThe switch provides Fibre Channel connectivity through generic
mixed ports (GX_Ports). Ports o perate at 1.0625 or 2.1250 gigabits per
second (Gbps), and can be configured as:
• Fabric ports (F_Ports) to provide direct connectivity for switched
fabric devices.