2-10 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Installation Tasks
b. At the Rerouting Delay field, check (enable) or uncheck
(disable) the parameter. When enabled, traffic is delayed
through the fabric by the user-specified error detect time out
value (E_D_TOV). This delay ensures Fibre Channel frames
are delivered to their destination in order.
c. At the Domain RSCN field, check (enable) or uncheck (disable)
the parameter. When enabled, attached devices can register to
receive notification when other devices change state.
d. At the Suppress RSCN on Zone Set Activations field, check
(enable) or uncheck (disable) the parameter. When enabled,
RSCNs are not transmitted when a zone set is activated.
e. At the Limited Fabric RSCN field, check (enable) or uncheck
(disable) the parameter. When enabled, RSCNs are no t
transmitted after a product initial program load (IPL).
f. At th e Zone Flexpars: Isolate Fabric RSCNs on z one activation
changes field, check (enable) or uncheck (disable) the
parameter. When enabled, zone FlexPars iso la t e an d preve nt
fabric-format RSCNs from propagating to devices in zones
that are not impacted.
g. At the Preferred Domain ID field, type a valu e between 1
through 31. This value uniquely identi fi es e ach fa bri c el em en t.
NOTE: An ISL between fabric elements with identic al domain IDs
segments and prevents communication.
h. At the ISL FSPF Cost Configuration field, select By Port Speed or
Ignore Port Speed to calculate fabric shortest path first (FSPF)
•By Port Speed - The fastest fabric path is determined by
port (ISL) speed. Cost is inversely proportional to speed.
•Ignore Port Speed - ISL speed is ignored, and the fastest
fabric path is determined by the number of hops. Cost is
directly proportional to hop count.
3. Click OK to save and acti vate changes.
4. Set the product online. Refer to Set Online State for instructions.