Maintenance Analysis Procedures 3-33
Maintenence Analysis Procedures
d. At the Switch Priority field, select Principal, Never Principal, or
Default, then click OK or Activate. The switch priority value
designates the fabric’s principal switch, whic h is assigned a
priority of 1 and controls the allocation and distribution of domain
IDs for all fabric elements (including itself).
Principal is the highest priority setting, Default is the next
highest, and Never Principal is the lowest priority setting. The
setting Never Principal means the fabric element is incapable of
becoming a principal switch. If all elements are set to Principal or
Default, the element with the highest priority and the lowest
WWN becomes the principal switch. At least one e lement in a
multiswitch fabric must be set as Principal or Default. If all
elements are set to Never Principal, all ISLs segment.
e. Set the product online. Refer to Set Online State.
Was the maintenance action successful?
The fabric, ISL, and product are operationa l . Exit MAP.
Contact the next level of support. Exit MAP.
An E_Port segmented (operational product ) because a response
(hello timeout) to a verification check indicates an attached switch is
not operational.
a. Perform a data collection at the operat i on al product and contact
the next level of support. Refer to Collect Maintenance Data.
b. Go to MAP 0000: Start MAP and perform fault isolation for the
failed switch. Exit MAP.
Event code 072 indicates a product E_Port is connected to an
unsupported fabric element. Advise the cus tomer of the problem and
disconnect the ISL to the unsupported fabric el em ent. Exit MAP.
Event code 082 is informational only and indicates a product E_Port
is fenced (blocked). An application or hardware malfunction occurred
(as indicated by failure symptoms o r primary event codes) or the por t
fencing policy is too restrictive. Obtain supplementary event data as