3-20 McDATA Sphereon 4300 Fabric Switch Installation and Service Manual
Maintenence Analysis Procedures
Was the maintenance acti on successful?
The product port is operational. Exit MAP.
Contact the next level of support. Exit M AP.
An ISL connection is not allowed because on e of the following
mode-mismatch conditions was detec te d:
The product is configured to operate in Open Fabric 1.0 mode
and is connected to a fabric element not confi gu red to Open
Fabric 1.0 mode.
The product is configured to operate in Open Fabric 1.0 mode
and is connected to a legacy McDATA switch at the incorrect
exchange link parameter (ELP) revision l ev el.
The product is configured to operate in Open Fabric 1.0 mode
and is connected to a non-McDATA switch at the incorrect ELP
revision level.
The product is configured to operate in McDATA Fabric 1.0
mode and is connected to a non-McDATA switch.
Reconfigure the operating mo de:
a. Set the product offline. Refe r t o Set Online State.
b. Select Switch and Fabric Parameters from the Configure menu
at any view. The Fabric Parameters View displays.
c. Select McDATA Fabric 1.0 or Open Fabric 1.0 from the Interop
Mode drop-down list.
—Select McDATA Fabric 1.0 if the product is attached only to
other McDATA directors or switches operating in McDATA
Fabric 1.0 mode.
—Select Open Fabric 1.0 if the product is attached to
directors or switches produced by open-f abr ic compliant
original equipment manufacturers (OEM s) .
d. Click OK or Activate.
Was the maintenance acti on successful?
The product port is operational. Exit MAP.
Contact the next level of support. Exit M AP.